So, it has been forever since I've blogged myself and forever since I've read my favorite blogs. I just spent the morning reading all the blogs I missed. Phew, I missed alot! So, why so long since my last blog you say? Well, life has been different for me and I'm still adjusting, I've had an interesting month and 1/2...
I lost my job. It is very sad b/c I loved my job, and I was so spoiled and I loved working w/ my Dad every day and my friends and took my duties very serious. I do that w/ a job/task/responsibility. I throw myself in 100% and take pride in my work. So, I now have no job, which for 2 & 1/2 years has been a major part of my identity. Now what?
So that is one reason I haven't done the blogs as much, I am not staring at a computer all day. Which is probably a good thing.
I also had a surgery that took forever to recover from, then Shawna's wedding, filling in at Butler's here and there and then this week was sick w/ flu or something.
But I'M BACK! Since there is so much to blog about I will get my computer sorted out & pictures organized and come back strong. For now, I'm going w/ Mike all the way into Houston to a grocery store that has his Irish food. Poor fella...
Stay tuned....