
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day '08

I finally voted! All the hype and all the it is over and we just watch CNN and wait.

As I was walking in to vote, and saw all the signs lining the street and sidewalk to the voting location, and all the people out in their t-shirts with hats and buttons and handing out flyers and explaining to voters why the candidate they support (both for local and national election) is the best, I wanted to shout THANK YOU JESUS. I didn't of course, for fear of looking like a lunatic...haha, but I felt it in my heart, and he heard me.

As I've been talking to my friends and peers lately I am saddened by the fact that the awesome privelage and right to vote seems to be lost on so many of them. It is just seen as something "older people" do and "right now I'm not into politics but I'm sure I will be when I'm older". That angers me! It will be too late then.

The Presidents from the past have formed our present and the President elected in the present will form our future, and our children's future. I will not ever tell anyone who to vote for, I believe it is a personal choice. I know it was a hard one for me. When taking the online tests that supposedly tell you who you agree with most, I always land in the middle. I leave it up to my prayers and my gut and even take advice and guidance from my family members (mostly my Dad and Uncle). But the decision is mine and I made it for myself and so should you. The point is, I don't care who you want to vote for, that is up to you, I just want people to vote. I just want somehow to express to my friends and peers how important voting is. "What is one vote" you say...well, ok, so maybe your one vote doesn't make or break an election...maybe...but shouldn't you want to vote just b/c you can?

As I was walking in to vote, all I could think about is how amazing it was to see all those people, of all different ages and races and lifestyles coming to, women and young adults! What an awesome responsibility and right we have as Americans. I don't think when our military is serving and fighting they are doing so b/c they want Republicans or Democrats to win the vote...they are doing so b/c they want We the People of The United States of America to win the vote.

So, whoever you want to vote for, just vote. It takes no time at all, you are able to take off work and it excercises one of your greatest rights as Americans. If you don't use the right to vote, you lose the right to complain. If you are reading this too late and missed your chance to vote, get registered and pay attention to the world around you and vote in 2012.

I feel great, I feel like I contributed to Democracy today and mostly, I feel extreme joy and gratefulness for the Men and Women who have gone before us and who serve us now to give us our rights as Americans. Sounds cheesy...but I proud to be an American!


Unknown said...

I could'nt agree more Amber! thanks for an inspiring text :-) Hope you are satisfied with your new president, here it went crazy during your election, everyone was talking about it. It will affect Europe a lot also! ttl - Kathrine

Tom Richards, aka OldWeirdDad said...

Very well said. I'm proud of you, girl!
I hope our boy Obama does well, but based on his past performance I am afraid he will take us down the wrong path. He's doing pretty good so far (lot's of golf, exercise, hanging out on he beach). We are in very stange times. A couple of months ago we were a capitalist democratic republic; now we are quickly becoming the USSR (United States Socialist Republic). The inmates are now in charge of the asylum.