
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Hawaii Here we are!!

We left yesterday after a busy morning of last minute preparations and dog wrangling, and after a VERY long 8 hour non-stop flight from Houston to Honolulu, O'ahu, we finally made it!!!! All of our luggage was present and accounted for which is awesome considering the jerk @ check-in didn't want to put one of our bags on the belt. We had to ask the guy next to him to do it. Lesson: always tip baggage checker inners!

We stayed our 1st night at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. It is a HUGE compound that some genius at Hilton struck gold on. They have really cool green Hawaiian print robes, and we have a pretty view of the mountains. We are in the Kalia Tower Room 2540 which is on the top floor! It is pretty nice.

Mike and I were so tired after traveling, plus I've been loosing sleep over this trip for a month now, and we stayed up so late Thursday night packing and getting ready. So, we just went and had a really nice (and too expensive) dinner at Benihana. It was Mike's first time at a restaraunt that has teppan-yaki style cooking(the chefs do all this fancy stuff on a steel grill in front of you). It was my 1st time to master chopsticks...well, ok master is a bit strong, I was able to eat my steak with them. After dinner we were so exhausted we came back to the room and went to bed.

My parents arrived ready to party and immediately went to some pool bar w/ a great band that they then watched the weekly fireworks and hula show w/ after which they went to an Irish Pub called Irish Rose. They are way cooler than us!

Now, it is 5:30 in the morning here (10:35 exactly Texas time my computer tells me) and I've been awake for over an hour. I'm worried about everyone flying in today but so far all flights appear to be pretty much on time. PHEW!

We'll do our best to blog a bit every day while we're here...but I am busy working and it is our honeymoon so we also could miss a day or two! HAHA

Stay tuned......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having a good time so far. You need to stop working so much and enjoy your honeymoon for crying out loud!! ;) Well, I just wanted to drop by and say hello. Miss talking to you at hurry back! He he! you bunches...and do some hula dancin' for me!